Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Support Hose

I've recently had an encounter that really made me think about support and the effect it has on your motivation. I never really realized until now just how good I have it. I have a husband who will sacrifice his time with the tv (after a hard day at work) so that I can use that space to workout.

Some of you ladies, or gents, don't have that support in your spouse. You may feel like they don't care for you or love you enough to offer the support. I don't think that's the case, at all! They're just not sure what you need.

If you're feeling unsupported, the first thing you should do is to try talking with him/her and getting those feelings out in the open. It may make you a little nervous and hurt a little for a bit, but you'll be stronger and more prepared to tackle to task ahead.

In addition to trying to reel in your spouse, you should find a buddy. Someone who is there for you and believes in you (maybe even before you believe in yourself). Not sure where to find someone like that? You're there!!!

I'm here for you, and I know you can do it! I've seen too many people succeed to believe that anyone can fail. Now, don't get me wrong. This journey won't be easy, but every step feels lighter when you're walking with a friend.

Clink my picture to the right to have me coach you for free. Then send me a message, and let's get healthy together!

Coach B
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone