Saturday, January 9, 2010


I discovered shortly after waking up this morning that I have a new conscience. Apparently this new one works a lot better than my old one did, because I was very careful to watch what I ate today (even though I didn't WANT to) and move more than I normally would've on a rest day.

The Bugg doesn't make sound and is incredibly comfortable to sleep in and wear all day, even under long sleeved shirts. But the best part is that it speaks to me! It's the weirdest thing....  All day today, I was making good food and drink choices without questioning them. I wasn't mindlessly snacking; I chose fruit that had to be washed and peeled and prepped over the open bag of sugar cookies that beckoned me from the counter. At dinner, we totally prepared to pig out while watching the big game. I justified the pig out with the fact that I haven't OFFICIALLY started my new meal plan. A good idea? Not if I want to get into the best shape of my life....But did I cheat? A little, yes. I'll be honest.  But did I eat my weight in cheesy pizza and chips and queso?!? NO! Now, normally, after dark, when I start to get sleepy and bored, I START to EAT!! (That's why I'm 60 lbs overweight.) Tonight, I didn't! Instead, I'm drinking water and blogging. =0)

Am I feeling deprived? No. I feel good. I've made good choices, and I'm getting more and more excited that I may actually be able to achieve this goal I've set for myself!

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