Friday, January 8, 2010

In the Game - NOT the football game

The game, of course, is this morning's workout which I just completed. (AFTER making sure my house was company ready. Are we having company? NO! That's what makes what I did an accomplishment for me. It's clean for US, and that feels good.)
So, back to the game. What was in the game, you ask? My head was in the game. It got me to push play. My heart was in the game. It made me do it. My body? Yeah.....not so much in the game today. Chalene wanted me to punch, kick and shake my way to that "million dollar feeling." You know, that feeling you get after you do a kick butt workout? You're so proud of yourself that you feel like a million bucks!
Ok, so I'm trying to shake and shed and rock my way there, but my body is SOOOO not cooperating. I can really tell my nutrition has been off. When you're eating clean, you can feel your body respond to the requests you make. This definitely makes me want to be good and eat clean today!

What will you do today to create the future to which you are committed? Let's find out!

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