Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ummm, wow....

This is my first attempt a blogging from my phone. Brian has company over, and it's a bit inconvenient for me to have my computer out. So, here we go! I'll check later to see how the format actually looks online. I apologize in advance if it's funky. ;)

So, today was day three on my new dietary supplement. As expected, this was the day I'd really 'feel' different. You know what? It was the strangest thing. Food really didn't interest me today. Wow!

Now, I didn't get to lookin' like I do because I don't like to eat. Duh! I LOVE to eat!! I LOVE cake and ice cream, Mexican food, Dr. Pepper.... I could go on, but I won't. I'll spare you the grosey details. :) You'll love me later.

Anyway, today we had a little family party for Logan's bday. I had all of my favorites available and, overall, I wasn't interested!! That was a big wow for me.

Tomorrow is my first day that I'll have to eat clean. I'm a little nervous about it, bc there is no room for cheaters. I normally find myself snacking on the boys' food as I'm making them dinner. This is going to be a big no-no..... I'm really going to have to bring my 'A' game and pay attenion to what I'm doing to myself.

So my weigh- in this morning? I'm exactly (to the tenth) where I was when I started stuffing my face 2 days ago!! I gained yesterday, and lost it today. Score! I hope this continues!

I'll be back tomorrow. Have a good one!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bethani! Stopping by to say hi and thank you for the encouragement about starting my own "getting healthy" routine. Maybe if I post about it in my blog it will make me feel more accountable about it! It's worth a try anyway! Keep up the good work!
