Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Training for the Future

Ha! So, another day down, only like a million to go! Ok, not a million - It's only 210 days; 30 weeks. I can do this... I'm committed. I AM still loving the BodyBugg. It's very easy to feel the need to move when you know you're going to have to be accountable to scientific proof of your activity for the day.....

So, most of the day I sat around because I didn't feel well. I had a sick kid and was up all night, so I lazed around until around noon. Then, I realized that my lazing around was going to have a negative impact on my caloric output for the day, and I was going to have to eat WAY low, if I was going to have my 1000 cal deficit. I soon became quite proud of myself- commitment kicked in, and before I knew it, I had my shoes on and was putting in a DVD. I paid for it later, because my head didn't forgive me, but... what'dya do?

As I was putting on my shoes, I noticed a message on the insole of my workout shoes. It says, "Training for the future...." I think that's quite appropriate for me and my endeavor. I am watching my mom deteriorate with horrible headaches and other problems. If I don't get my health and fitness under control now, I'm going to be IN for it.... That's part of why I'm trying so hard to be in the best shape of my life by my 30th birthday. It seems like that number is a turning point. Like I'm all of a sudden going to be old... Me? old? Not gonna happen. I'm going to be fit and trim and feel wonderful in my life AND my clothes!


  1. You go girl! You have me more and more convinced to spend some of my "me" money on a body bugg.

  2. It's definitely a ROCKING investment.... Well worth it. =0)
